After a long period of time, I finally get to see a FAMILY Comedy movie with some good performances and clever twists! Yeah you heard it right, this is not a pure Comedy Movie; you would have expected, It's lot more! A good mix of suspense, thrill, a bit of action and laughter!! But believe me, it was really a good one. Although if you judge it in more depth you would find many clichés, flaws but if you are into this just for the fun and entertainment, Then you will surely like it! Just as I did!
On the performance basis, all the characters made their mark, they have done pretty good jobs! Story is not so Extraordinary, but surely it created a lot of suspense and tension till the end! And in the end you will be amazed by the Mind-Boggling Twist! But don't worry I won't spoil your fun in here... Get to the movie with lower expectations and without IN-DEPTH Judgement! And I assure you, You will leave the theater with a Smile on your face! My rating |
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May 2023