Everyone loves porn. In fact, if you say that you don't, I might call you a weirdo. You all watch a lot of porn but ever wondered that how many people around the world watch porn? do girls watch porn? Which porn category is most popular? Well, we bring you some pretty interesting facts and information about Porn. Just scroll down and get your facts. Since the stone age I guess women have been using certain kind of things to look more attractive but it has gotten worse with time. Now a days looks of women have totally become deceiving. Thanks to make-up, padded bras, cosmetic surgeries, fat reduction surgeries, Botox and bunch of beauty filters in smartphones. Here, we just have a collection of pictures which shows that how much impact make-up can have on a person. I seriously don't know what to believe anymore. This month Portugal became champion of Euro Cup 2016 for the first time and it is the first major cup win for Cristiano Ronaldo with his national team as well. Well, how do you celebrate after a massive victory like this? Ask Ronaldo.
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October 2023