As it is not weird enough already that Rahul Gandhi is contesting from Wayanad, Kerala for the upcoming elections but it was more shocking when Rahul and Priyanka held a rally there. When the pictures and videos came out, people of India were in big shock. Looking at the scene there it almost felt like that rally was not anywhere in India but in Pakistan. You literally have to stress your eyes to find a single Indian flag but "religeous" flags were everywhere which almost looks like flags from Pakistan. I can bet that Rahul Gandhi is not winning this election against Modi but if he goes to Pakistan, he might have a shot there looking at his fan following. Watch this video down here and judge for yourself that who do you want as your Prime Minister. watch the video here |
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May 2023
irish model, jessie vard, thailand, world cup 2018, Worldcup, football, football girls, real madrid, liverpool, prince harry, rahul gandhi, vande mataram, delhi aiims, munna bhai MBBS