You might have seen many archery videos before but this one takes the win. This girl here is on some another level for sure.
For some people everything is fun and games but sometimes shit get real. This guy was just playing around with a bee hive and it did not end well.
Two female police officers in montreal tried to arrest a man but that man overpowered them and ran away. SInce then this video has been a laughing material for people all around the world.
Bullying in school is one of the biggest problem which many people don't take seriously. Mental and physical abuse causes serious damage to students. This Filipino teen girl got abused by several other girls and she commited suicide by jumping off the building.
This is something different, something new. Thieves are working out in gym to improve their skills.
Skateboarding on a road is definately one of the stupidest thing ever but people think they are cool and they own the road. Watch the video here
You Might Have Hated Physics In School But This Video Will Make You Fall In Love With Physics11/10/2021 Physics have been one of my least favorite subject in school after Math and I can bet that I am not the only one who thinks that. If used in a proper way physics can create some of the most beautiful movements. This video will show you what I am trying to say.
When a girl knows how to move her waist and hips, she can win a man's heart. It's not that easy to maintain a good physic and learn such killer dance moves but here this girl did it.
Where there is a jungle, there is a battle. Wild animals fight everyday for survival. Some fight to get food where some fight to save their own life. In an interesting course of events, a leopard attacks a porcupine and what happens is very interesting.
It's not easy for a man to get motivated to do some workout in order to get in shape. But woman holds a great power within which can help motivate the man to work out harder. Watch the video to understand.
Even though Tiktok is banned in India, it's still alive in other countries. Majority of content you find on Tiktok is quite cringe worthy but every once in a while you get to witness something extraordinary. Here is a video which is something very funny I have watched in a long time and I am here sharing with you.
People want to cheat, they don't care about the place. In an interesting chain of even a suspecting girlfriend caught her boyfriend with another girl but, there is a twist. Watch the video here
Regardless of which part of the world you live in, you must already have taken the Covid vaccine and you must have wondered how it's gonna save you from the covid. This video here is the perfect and best way to explain the function of the vaccine in human body.
Car washes were initially designed to wash cars but the person who invented it didn't know that dogs are going to use them as well and that too free of cost. This cute video shows a dog patiently waiting for his turn and then enjoying the scratch on the back with the help of car wash brush.
We know that girls can look different with and without make up but this girl beats everyone. Her look with make up and without make up is so different that not a single person can say that it's the same person.
Men have always been criticized for wanting only one thing from a relationship and I guess, it's not wrong at all.
I usually love watching prank videos and I have watched many over the year but I believe this one tops the chart.
Covid has changed many lives around all over the world in a bad way but finding humor in our everyday life is what gets us going.
Kevin Parry (@kevinbparry) is an amazing talented youngster who makes the most amazing illusion videos for internet. Not only his editing skills are topnotch but he is also full of new ideas. Here we have the compilation of Kevin's best videos from 2020
Some people are so selfish that just for the sake of their own entertainment they are willing to go to any level even if what they are doing is completely inhuman. A group of guys in India does something similar and gets the taste of instant karma.
Soccer might be the most popular sport in the world but, a hot girl playing with football is something on another level. Watch this Mexican girl doing skillful tricks with her ball.
In Arab Lizards are considered to be luxurious food and just that thought makes me puke. But literally Arab people cut the lizard and fill it up with masala and cook in the oven. It just makes me think "WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE????"
If you won't puke then we have video for you to watch ..... You come across many mainstream and expensive places in the world which everyone visits but there are places which are not that popular are way too beautiful and less expensive than the other ones. Ambuluwawa tower in Sri Lanka is one of those places which is immensely beautiful place which gives you thrills all the way when you are climbing it.... Watch the video here which does justice to it's beauty.
It's been history all over the world that wives never liked that their husbands drinking alcohol. Before women didn't have power to do much about it but now, the time has changed. Women are not only equal to man in most of the aspects but now also more violent than men.... It is good to be equal and to possess power but it's never good to misuse it..
Western countries have many things people in India don't like but the driving rules they have are literally life saver. People in India don't really care if they have their seat belts on or not but in western countries it is taken very seriously. Look at the video of this guy who meets an accident but is still alive without a scratch because he had his seat belt on.
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April 2024
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