Giving or getting hugs are most underrated and unpopular things in India and we need to change it as soon as possible. Just in recent incident people in Kolkata metro train beat up a couple who was hugging in public. This is so shameful and sick.
Of course It is acceptable that you don't wanna touch or a hug a person covered in sweat in 45C temperature but in general, hugs have more scientific benefits than you can imagine.
1. Hugging makes your body's healing process faster and that includes healing from sickness or diseases.
2. Hugging provides empathy and understanding between two people.
3. Hugs are as effective as meditation and laughter. They makes your thinking positive and helps you grow.
4. Hugs gives us great education about giving and receiving.
5. Hugs help balance our nervous system. When you hug someone, it shows change in your skin conductance and suggests your nervous system is more stable.
6. When you hug someone, you feel relaxed. It actually relaxes your muscles and soothes your pain.
7. Hugs gives you the feeling of being loved and hence boosts your self esteem and self worth.
8. When you hug someone, the emotional changed your system activates the solar plexus chakra. That leads to the stimulation of thymus gland which regulates the white blood cells to keep you immune.
9. If you hug someone for extended time, it increases serotonin levels in your body and that helps you elevate mood and keep you happy. As well as they increases oxytocin levels which helps fight anger, loneliness and anxiety.
10. When you hug someone, it helps build trust and a sense of safety.
After knowing all this you should start hugging people everyday. you can hug your family members, friends and even strangers (only with their permission).. lol
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September 2023